Ubuntu 8.04

I’m happy happy happy!

The hardware guy has returned my video card and my Gladiator DVD! My system is complete! I ‘ve to look into installing some nvidia thingy to get a better look at the card’s capabilities.

As for the scheduled upgrade, just like from 7.04 to 7.10, 7.10 to 8.04 has gone smoothly. In case you are wondering why I had to do a clean install for 7.04: I assembled my current machine in late March 2007 – 7.04 was just in time to be the first OS to be loaded on to this machine.

The upgrade pulled 463 MB from the net in spite of having the alternate CD at its disposal. I ran the update-upgrade sequence a couple of more times to get the third party repos up to the mark.

No major surprises except for XMMS, which is replaced by Audacious. And it may be the novelty of the upgrade, but things look even more glossy than in Ubuntu 7.10.

Life is good.